Buckeye Brownies And Our Little Peanut Plant

I am getting together with my girls tomorrow for another craft day. We just started having these girls day out type craft days and we like to have a potluck lunch that way we don’t have to drop everything and go somewhere to eat. We all live in small towns and it is not productive to drive 20 minutes to the nearest fast food restaurant. I am bringing dessert tomorrow and I thought no girls day could be complete without chocolate! I decided on brownies and then remembered I had some frozen peanut butter cookie dough leftover from Valentines Day. Who doesn’t love peanut butter and chocolate together? Okay I am sure there is someone out there who doesn’t, but I don’t know them.

What you will need

  • 1 Box of Brownie Mix
  • Water
  • Oil
  • Eggs
  • Peanut Butter Cookie Dough (1/2 of your favorite recipe)


Mix your brownie mix according to the directions on the package. Pour the batter into a greased 9×13 baking dish. Drop your cookie dough on top of the brownie batter. I placed mine strategically at first so each brownie would have a good chunk of cookie in it. I then crumbled the last two cookie dough balls over the top of the entire dish.


Bake in a preheated oven according to package directions. Enjoy!



While we are on the subject of peanut butter, I thought I would show everyone a picture of the peanut plant we are growing. I am quite proud of this little plant, because I have no talent when it comes to gardening. We got these little Buddy McNutty peanut growing kits when we went to Septemberfest at the Governor’s Mansion here in Oklahoma.


We finally got around to planting it last month. I can’t believe how much it has already grown. I plan on transplanting it and hopefully getting some peanuts to grow. It has been a fun little lesson for the kids on how a plant grows from a seed.


9 thoughts on “Buckeye Brownies And Our Little Peanut Plant

  1. Cool! I’ve been smearing peanut butter in my brownie batter before baking. This looks even yummier! Thanks for sharing! 🙂 The last time I made p.b. brownies, I thought that a peanut butter ganache on top sounded awesome, so I did a search on Pinterest and found a recipe. It was soooo good! I think I was on a sugar high for a week afterwards, but it was oh so worth it! 😉

    • We used to live in Western OK and a lot of farmers grow peanuts in that area. I grew up in the city so I was (and still am) learning a lot of new things about farming and how plants grow. I thought it was neat when I found out the actual peanuts grew underground.

  2. Pingback: What Did You Make Wednesday? Summer Passport to Fun | The Heartfelt Homemaker

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